
1.  Pre-Registration is MANDATORY!
Contact David L. Avery, TCM-4632
Test Center Manager
(303) 795-5718

 2. The South Metro Volunteer Examiners Team is certified by the National Radio Examiners as a  COMMERCIAL OPERATOR LICENSE EXAMINATION MANAGERS(COLEM) test site.

3.   Identification Required:
Either a U.S. Passport (and a copy thereof) OR a government issued photo ID card such as a Colorado drivers license (and a copy thereof) AND a Social Security Administration card
(and a copy thereof) .

4.  In order to test for Commercial Licenses, you need an FCC Registration number (FRN).  This number is mandatory for a filing and used to uniquely identify you in all transactions with the FCC. To obtain an FRN : Go to the link,  FCC Registration Number (FRN) Commission Registration System and follow the instructions on the page to obtain your FRN electronically. You may also obtain the form manually at  or by calling the FCC at 1-877-480-3201 (TTY 717­338-2824), or by calling the FCC’s Fax Information System by dialing (202) 418-0177, catalog ID #3000160.  Mailing instructions are on the form.

5.  If you have a Commercial License and are testing for another new element, bring the original license and a copy of the license or a  copy of a recent Proof of Passing Certificate.

6.  The South Metro VE Team charges a $50 fee per sitting per license as set by the Commercial Operator License Examination Managers (COLEM). This fee includes the first 2 test elements taken and passed by the applicant. If the applicant fails the first element, they may re-take the element at no additional charge. Additional elements beyond the first 2 elements are charged at $25 per element. This is the only license fee that examinees pay to the examiner. For example, if you take Element 1, 3 and element 8 for the GROL plus Radar Endorsement the cost is $75.00($50 for the first two elements and $25.00 for the third element).  Note that taking only one element still costs the basic fee of $50.00, so take two elements at the same test session if possible.

7.   A calculator with memories erased and formulas cleared is allowed. You may not bring any notes or calculations to the exam session.

8.  You can obtain the Main Form FCC form 605 using this link: FCC Schedule 605 main form. If needed for additional licensing requirements stated in the main form 605, a FCC Form 605 with Schedule E may also be completed from link:  Schedule E.  If the applicant desires to complete the forms prior to an exam session they are strongly encouraged to read pages 1 through 9 of the Main Form Instructions.  Pages 10 through 12 must be submitted according to the instructions.  Schedule E is mandatory for all FCC Commercial Radio Operator License Applicants with page 1 being Instructions while page 2 must be submitted in addition to pages 10 through 12  of the Main Form by all successful examinees.  Questions may be directed to me at (303)795-5718 or to Additional information is available from National Radio Examiners, our COLEM.

9.  When all elements are taken and passed, a copy of the serialized Proof of Passing Certificate is issued by the Test Center Manager, Dave Avery. Give this to your employer. This will grant you the temporary and complete privileges of the license class for 90 days and is evidence for further testing for 365 days.. You should then receive the official license from the FCC within three weeks. Be sure and sign this license and display it at your place of employment.
